Gratitude Activities Based on the Song “Thanks a Lot” by Raffi
Updated: Nov 25, 2024
Gratitude is like a superpower we can all tap into, whether for ourselves or as a lesson for the little ones in our lives. There is an abundance of research out there singing praises about the benefits of gratitude and how it can help us appreciate the good around us, even the little things. It's a skill that gets better with practice, just like learning other skills. But the best part? The rewards are absolutely worth it. Gratitude supports kids through difficult times knowing they have caring people and little joys in their lives to lean on. Plus, it's a booster for our emotional well-being, self-esteem, and even our physical health. Gratitude is like the glue that bonds us with others, and that connection is a key ingredient for wellbeing.
There are many ways to incorporate music into the practice and teaching of gratitude. Songs featuring lyrics about thankfulness can be particularly effective in reinforcing this concept. I thought I would share a few different ways to expand one of my go-to gratitude songs to sing with kids.
"Thanks A Lot" by Raffi is definitely a favourite when it comes to gratitude songs for kids. It's a lovely, soothing song, and easy to sing along to and even adapt. Children can personalize the song by adding the specific things they are grateful for in their own lives. Together, you can create a new version of the song by filling in the last word of each phrase.
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the _________
Thanks a lot, thanks for the_________
Thanks for the ________
Thanks for the ________
Thanks for the ________
Thanks a lot
Thanks for all I've got
Thanks for all I've got
“Thanks a Lot” Art and Music Activity
For a creative activity, you can pair the song with a colouring sheet, which is part of my gratitude art and music pack. Kids can colour in pictures that match the song lyrics while they listen. Afterward, children can discuss what they are thankful for and either draw, write, or have someone help them in noting their gratitude in the space provided on the page.
Thanks a Lot: Music and Movement
To add an extra layer of fun, consider incorporating movement along with the song. The Good to Know Network's blog post has some great movement ideas to pair with the different elements in this song: sun in the sky, clouds so high, whispering wind…
Check out the post here for the movement ideas!
Singable Story
To my delight, I recently discovered that this song is available in the form of a singable story. This exciting find presents yet another creative opportunity to incorporate the song into a gratitude-themed activity for young children.
If you’d like to add more gratitude songs to your days with the little ones in your life, check out my list of “35 Kids’ Songs for Emotional Wellbeing.” This selection of songs was thoughtfully curated to include songs centred around themes of gratitude, emotions, affirmations, movement, connection, calm and relaxation.