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Valentine’s Day Songs and Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten

Updated: Aug 4, 2024

Here are some lovely musical ways to celebrate kindness, love, and friendship with your little learners. Let’s start with some sweet songs to sing and bring into circle time.

Valentine's Day Song Activities for Circle Time

1 . I Put My Hands Together

This cute and simple rhyme, from Jbrary, leads children in making a heart with their hands. To add to this Valentine's day song activity, children can share something that fills their heart and makes them happy.

2. Making a Valentine

I created this song to the familiar tune of "Up On the Housetop" where kids can act out the different steps of making a valentine.

"Making a Valentine for my friend

I'll cut out a heart and then,

Add a little bit of glue

And sprinkle on some glitter too

Wow, wow, wow! Look at it now! Wow, wow, wow! Look at it now!

My Valentine is ready to share

With my friend to show I care"

"making a Valentine" song lyrics, a page offering movement ideas for the song, and follow up questions that pair with the song

You can incorporate some different actions as demonstrated in the video below.

This one can also be followed up with some discussion questions:

-What colour valentine would you choose to make for a friend?

-How do you think a friend feels to receive a special valentine?

-What are some kind words we could write in a valentine for a friend?

3. The More We Get Together

This classic song is great to bring into a kindness and friendship theme and can be easily adapted to include different actions that bring happiness:

"The more we get together, together, together

The more we get together

The happier we'll be

For your friend are my friends

And my friends are your friends

The more we get together

The happier we'll be"

Ways to adapt:

The more we sing together...

The more we dance together...

The more we laugh together...

Musical Kindness Crafts

1.Three Kind Mice

The song "Three Kind Mice" is a great one to listen to or sing around Valentine’s Day, or anytime of year. The lyrics are all about three mice and how they show kindness by helping, using manners, and sharing.

As a complement to the song, kids can enjoy crafting their own kindness mouse. They can colour the heart the mouse is holding using their favourite colour, write their name, or a kind action inside the heart.

Get the FREE kindness mouse craft, and some kind mice visuals to pair with the song here!

2. Kindness Star Craft

This craft centers around the spiritual “This Little Light of Mine.” The song can be listened to or sung together and then adapted to reflect different acts of kindness. This activity from my shop (find it here) also includes stars with various kindness prompts to inspire ideas. The song can be adapted as follows:

Verse 1:

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

Verse 2:

By helping someone, gonna let my kindness shine

By helping someone, gonna let my kindness shine

By helping someone, gonna let my kindness shine

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

star cutouts with kindness actions listed on them, a star cut and paste colouring craft

Valentine's Music and Movement Ideas

1.Heart Matching Activity

hearts with patterns and letters for kids to match

A fun activity to get kids moving! Pass out a heart to each child — each child should have a heart that matches another friend’s heart.

Children will then dance, holding their hearts, to upbeat music and then find their match/partner when the music stops. Upon finding their matching heart, the children will sit down together.

To add to the learning experience, kids can also match upper and lowercase letter hearts.

2. Silly Heart Freeze Dance

This one also involves dancing, but this time children get to freeze in a silly heart pose. When the music stops, hold up a heart pose for kids to copy. Check out the Kindness Songs for Kids blog post for some song suggestions!

heart characters each doing a different pose

Visuals to complement these two heart movement activities can be found in my Heart Circle Time Pack

heart circle time pack which includes heart movement cards, heart pattern matching, heart letter matching

3. Musical Mirroring Activity

Engage young hearts with a playful musical mirroring activity. Pair up children and play some music centred around kindness and friendship. Encourage kids to take turns leading and mirroring each other’s movements. Research suggests these activities foster empathy, making it a fun-filled way for children to connect and build understanding.

These musical activities not only pair well with preschool February themes and Valentine's Day but can also be enjoyed any time -- fostering a year-round celebration of friendship. 💛


Download the FREE Seasonal Song Pack and enjoy a song activity for each season!


Welcome! I’m Christine, a music therapist and proud mama to three wonderful little ones. My passion is using music and creative play to nurture children’s learning and growth. I also love creating and sharing resources and musical inspiration. In my free time, you can find me enjoying a tea latte, taking walks in the fresh air, or diving into creative projects. Let’s explore music and learning together!

FREE Seasonal

Song Pack

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spring, summer, and fall.

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