5 Fun Fall Songs for Circle Time
Updated: Oct 11, 2024
Fall is in the air, and it’s a fantastic time to inspire creativity and imagination in your circle time sessions! From apples and pumpkins to whirling leaves and friendly monsters, the autumn season offers endless fun themes for kids. 🍁
Here are five engaging fall-themed songs and activities to enhance your music sessions:
1. “Out to Play This Autumn Day”
Kick off your fall circle time with this fun song to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”:
Out to Play This Autumn Day
Out to play this autumn day,
Autumn day, autumn day,
Out to play this autumn day,
What does [child's name] see?
Sign up here to get this free song and fall flashcards to pair with it, as well as song activities for winter, spring, and summer!

2. Pumpkin Emotions

Take the classic children’s song “If You’re Happy and You Know It” and explore different emotions using pumpkin feeling faces! Encourage kids to imitate different emotion faces and use them as visuals in the song. Add movements and coping strategies to match the emotions:
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands
If you’re excited and you know it, jump up and down
If you’re sad and you know it, give yourself a hug
If you’re angry and you know it, take some deep breaths Here are a few ideas:
3. Dancing Leaves Scarf Movement
I love creative movement that offers kids the opportunity to use their imaginations. In this activity, children will pretend they are whirling twirling leaves falling from the tree. Add to the fun by using colorful scarves for the leaves. Here is a simple leaf song you can sing as the children move:

4. Five Little Acorns Rhyme
Sing and act out this playful rhyme about acorns and a hungry squirrel:
Five Little Acorns
Five little acorns sitting in a tree
Along came Mr. Squirrel
As hungry as can be
Then the fall winds blew
And rustled all the leaves
Down came an acorn
Mr. Squirrel was very pleased
Repeat the rhyme, counting down the acorns as you go. Use a visual scene to help practice turn-taking and counting.
Fall Song Pack
Find this rhyme and two other fun fall counting songs in our Fall Song Pack.

4. Book Rec : “It’s Fall“ by Renee Kurilla
I just love the vibrant illustrations in this book. It also has the sweetest rhyming text (easy to add a melody to) all about the treasures we find in the autumn season. A great book to introduce as music time is coming to an end. It helps kids explore the wonders of the season and also sparks discussion, prompting kids to share what they love most about the fall. Here’s a snippet of how I like to sing it (to the tune of “Up On the Housetop”).
Explore More Fall Fun
Looking for a comprehensive fall-themed resource? Check out my Fall Creative Play Bundle, which takes you through fall from September to Thanksgiving. This bundle includes a variety of songs, activities, and creative play ideas to keep your circle time exciting all season long.

Sending cozy, warm, and joyful Fall vibes to you!